Business Analytics Projects

As a business analytics concentrator, I have had the opportunity to work on various team projects. In this setting, we take a data set and conduct analysis all the while writing key insights in a well-written format. These are some projects that I have worked on.

U.S. Homicide Rates

The U.S. has high homicide rates compared to the average of those for countries all over the world. In this analysis, we created 6 graphs to depict trends in our data. Our analysis further explores key information about homicides and whether there were factors that influenced such rates.

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Life Expectancy

Life expectancy has almost doubled since 1923. To determine possible causes of this great change, we ran an analysis of a global life expectancy dataset. We created 8 graphs to further disect the impact these factors have on life expectancy. Our written analysis contains findings and conclusions we have determined after looking at our dataset.

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